By My Side Holster manufactures holster rests, holsters, mag holders and belly band holsters Welcome to By My Side Holster. By My Side Holster-Wide Holster Rest-Car Gun Mount

The Safest Way to Mount Your Gun at Home Work and Car!

Will not Damage Furniture, Walls,
or the interior of your vehicle
Made in the USA

Holsters, Holster Rests and Belly Bands

By My Side Holster produces a line of Holster Rests, Gun Holsters, and the Side Mount Adapter and Car Installation Kit that give you the opportunity to mount your gun in virtually any position, on any solid surface at Home, Work or Car. Nightstand, dresser, desk, gun safes or even the console or instrument panel of your vehicle. Proudly Made in the USA

Just follow the instructions and you can say your gun is “ By My Side”

Nightstand, Desk and Car Console

You can mount a Holster Rest virtually anywhere - at Home, Work and Car

Wide Holster Rest

The Wide Holster Rest can be mounted on either side of furniture

Standard Holster Rest with Side Mount Adapter

Standard Holster Rest with Side Mount Adapter- 1911 Full Size

Wide Holster Rest

Wide Holster Rest Side Mounted on desk

Ambidextrous Belly Band Holster

Ambidextrous Belly Band Holster

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Wide Holster Rest



Most gun owners only use their holsters for one purpose, and that is to place it on their belt when they conceal carry.

The Wide Holster Rest gives you the ability to mount your gun to virtually any solid surface in the home, work or car.

Mount it to a nightstand, dresser, wall, desk, tool box, bed rail, gun safe or car.

The Wide Holster Rest is easy to mount using 1 of the 4 adhesive strips included in the kit.

Removing the Wide Holster Rest is easy and the adhesive strip will not damage the surface when removed.

The Wide Holster Rest is designed for large frame guns and revolvers similar to a Glock, S&W M&P, Taurus Model 85 revolver and even a Taurus Judge.

If you have both Large Frame and Small frame guns, the Wide Holster Rest gives you the most flexibility and will accommodate both types of guns. Your Small Frame gun can be mounted in the Wide Holster Rest using most nylon or leather holsters.

The Wide Holster Rest will accommodate a variety of holsters either leather or nylon. If your holster has a belt loop or clip it should work. It does not work with paddle holsters and OWB and IWB holsters that have front and rear belt loops and plastic holsters.

The Wide Holster Rest gets your gun off the top of the nightstand, out of the drawer and off the floor and provides a safer way to have access to your gun by having it mounted in your holster that was designed for your model of gun.

The Wide Holster Rest places the gun in the proper position for easy access so you can have it

"Where you want it, When you need it"


Click here to view the Holster/Holster Rest Size Chart  Note: the chart does not contain all handgun models. If you are not sure which size Holster Rest or Holster, Please use Contact Form

For Small Frame Handguns click here to check out the Standard Holster Rest

Nightstand Gun Mount Wide Holster Rest - Desk Gun Mount Wide Holster Rest- Car Gun Mount Wide Holster Rest - Dresser Gun Mount


Please read

If you are installing your Holster Rest in a vehicle without the Side Mount Adapter, the use of the Adhesion Promoter is still required. The Adhesion Promoter is necessary to provide proper adhesion to the plastic components inside your vehicle. The Adhesion Promoter is included in the Side Mount Adapter Kit and is also available for purchase separately.



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